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发表于 2019-8-3 19:40:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-8-7 02:04:11 | 显示全部楼层





出自《圣斗士星矢THELOST CANVAS冥王神话》,243年前上代圣战中的金牛座圣斗士。是最早获得黄金圣衣的资深战士之一,常将“你的力量毫无意义可言”一话挂在嘴边。


德弗特洛斯,日本漫画家车田正美授权,手代木史织绘画的漫画《圣斗士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神话》及衍生作品中登场的人物。是双子座黄金圣斗士阿斯普洛斯的弟弟,另一个双子座黄金圣斗士。















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发表于 2019-9-11 17:45:04 | 显示全部楼层
The Destiny-Changing Characteristics Before and After Merging Domestic Minister Pulse into Human Bodies
After merging domestic minister pulses, every human being is witnessed with an increase in spiritual power, a more stable state of mind, a less often inclination to anger, and more vigor to overcome difficulties through spiritual inspiration and constant in-depth introspection, gradually their destiny will be overturned. Because of the physical body restraints, humans can only induce one thousandth of spirituality growth. After the domestic minister pulses merging, immediate spiritual growth and consequent destiny change will take place, but right after the destiny change, there will be a following adversity. Why? Because “Virtue is one foot tall, the devil is ten foot tall. It takes constant vigilance to stave off evil. “Only when people are bravely confronted with difficulties and overcome difficulties, can they achieve fundamental and solid progress. Never expect for free money without hard work. If you sleep at home dreaming about money rains dropping towards your head after domestic minister pulses merging, this is a manner of decadence and as a result, no fruitful rewards will come afterwards.
Before minister pulses merging, the destiny of the same domestic minister pulse owners are not the same, mainly because the distance between the long-term residency and domestic minister pulse spot of each owner is different, the shorter the distance, the better the owners’ life quality. If the distance from the pulse spot to the owners’ residency is within 5 kilometers, the pulse owner has high possibility to hold excellent academic performance and material prosperity (Such factors as whether the pulse owner has shown sufficient interests in the academic study, and whether the pulse owner has received reasonable guidance from parents and teachers are all needed to be taken into considerations). For example, we have recorded two girl pulse owners stories whose residency towards their domestic minister pulse spot is within three kilometers, one of the girl pulse owner is Peking University undergraduate (Top University in China mainland), the other is Cornell University undergraduate (Top University in the United States), another two pulse owners whose minister pulse spot is within three kilometers are household characters in China. When the pulse spot is within 30 kilometers towards residence, the pulse owner probably belongs to upper class layer of the whole society. When the minister pulse spot is more than 30 kilometers, the pulse energy gradually weakens, and even disappears, and then the owners’ destiny is displaced as a tragic. Even without minister pulse merging, the closer a human is to his domestic minister pulse spot, the more positively approachable this owner is to his post merging state of mind and life quality. While the fantastic state of mind and life quality triggered by minister pulse merging effect is eternal, the fantastic state of mind and life quality triggered by close distance only lasts for a few decades. During the minister pulse synchronizing practice in the last era, it is common to check up and measure the distance between the minister pulse spot and home residency. Nowadays minister pulses merging practice into human bodies become popular, and the distance between the minister pulse spot and home residency is rarely checked up.
Minister pulse merging is to incorporate minister pulse into human bodies and thus, to achieve zero distance between the minister pulse and the pulse owner. After the minister pulse merging for three years, the destiny will be overturned fundamentally and after the minister pulse merging for six years, an unprecedentedly prosperous life stability will take place. Of course, never lust for money without hard work. It is worthy of note that good life destiny is not the status that you sleep at home and then money rains dropping towards your head,  but you are vigorous and willing to confront difficulties, then almost no difficulties will conquer over you.

The positive effects of merging minister pulses on children take place faster than on adults because children have a purer mind and fewer distractions. It is indeed a sensible way to merge the minister pulse into a child’s body, which will make that child truly surpass his peers at the beginning of their life-long competition.
We summarized the Destiny-Changing Characteristics before and after merging domestic minister pulses into bodies, for your reference.
Jade rabbit pulse has supreme spirituality, which implies: auspicious, wishful, abundant in clothes and food, and treasured by others!
Before merging jade rabbit pulses, disasters occurred frequently, life was rough, jade rabbit pulse owners were generally kind, considerate, sensitive but not sensible, offensive in expression, often screw up things out of good intention, inclined to be misunderstood. Jade rabbit pulse owners generally have past spiritual practice experiences and foundation, their identities are either originated from the Buddha State or from heaven, familiar to various religious principles, inclined to take detours before merging their minister pulses.
The life of jade rabbit pulse owners will gradually become more pleasant after merging pulses, crowned with nice surprises, abundant materials, seldom short of money, which is in line with the idiom "It is essential to have financial capability to sustain spiritual practice". At the same time, jade rabbit pulse owners will be cherished by others, and feel it easy to comprehend life principles.
The predominant moral of white horse pulse is persistence: white horse travels thousands of miles per day, a small step every day, so it symbolizes fantastic persistence.
Before merging white horse pulse, owners are not persistent, hesitant to make decisions and inclined to give up without a single try, offensive outside but weak inside, not harmonious with spouses and work colleagues, suffering in marriage and career development. For instance, female white horse pulse owners’ divorce rate before minister pulse merging reaches over 80%.
After merging white horse pulse, owners become persistent, gentle outside and harmonious with spouses and work colleagues, owners’ public interaction capabilities will have a transformative change in the long term.
The predominant moral of elephant pulse is stability, taking a small step every day, after a long time, you will surely go where you want to go, and achieve high accomplishments after long term endeavors and accumulations: it symbolizes gentleness, practice at a stable speed, fantastic ambition to achieve high accomplishments in the end.
Before merging elephant pulse, owners have spent a lot of effort but haven’t received expected result, they expect for superior outcome, but possess limited capabilities. They dream for wealth, but stay impoverished. As time passes by, they are probably a bit better economically. However, They know from bottom of their heart the fact that no matter how diligent they work, their outcome are basically undesirable, they have performed a lot of tasks, but unable to get paid as they deserve, consequently they are often in a panic state of mind.
After merging elephant pulses, changes won’t take place as quickly as those of rabbit and white horse pulses owners, especially during the initial post merging stage, changes are slow to take place. As time passes by, elephant pulse owners accumulate wealth subtly, slowly but surely, eventually outbreak a thriving power and a large leap in money possession, receive social recognition, gradually deploy an open-minded life philosophy and elephant –like huge capacity to conquer ups and downs in the life. It is not difficult for them to be promoted for official position or approach to business leadership and material prosperity.
Tiger pulse moral is supreme assertiveness. Generally speaking, male‘s temper is not very counseling. Tiger pulse owners are of course not counseling at all, meanwhile, they have tiger temper but lack the King-tiger manner, they are ambitious for leadership, they set up high standards for themselves but are weak in capability and power. More often than not, tiger pulse owners struggle to get up after falls, it is difficult for them to cheer up and meet their goal, and it is also hard for them to be respected and recognized by others. After merging tiger minister pulses, they gradually gain tiger-like strength, as long as they adhere to their career ambition, they are capable of being the leader in that segment one day.
Lion pulse owners possess superior king manner among crowd, they take the officially No.2 leadership roles in their industry segments. Before lion pulse merging, they usually took deputy leadership roles, hesitant to make decisions, always narrowly reach the target but fail in the end. After merging lion pulses, they will have No.1 roles promotion opportunities from theNo.2 leadership roles, and step by step approach to their final ambition.
White dragon pulse manifests supreme efficiency. White dragons pulse owners are like assertive captains during the wartime, and white dragon pulse owners are usually very powerful, sharp and skillful in the battle, they take great efforts and their endeavors are paid off.
Before merging white dragon pulses, owners have already achieved great accomplishments, they are capable, assertive, and skillful in the battle but are seldom recognized, no merits attained, no money awarded and it is really difficult for white dragon pulse owners to save money. After merging white dragon pulses, owners take full use of endeavors and very efficient to reach target, it is not difficult any more for white dragon pulses owners to obtain the recognition they are deserved.
Golden dragon pulse manifests supreme prominence. Before merging golden dragon pulses, golden dragon pulse owners can obtain the merits but their merits are not widely recognized. They have accomplished some achievements, but they do not possess the social status they deserved. After merging golden dragon pulses, their status gradually get up, emerging to be prominent.
Purple dragon pulse manifests superior social merits and recognition, as long as owners live near their domestic minister pulses for over ten years, it is not difficult for them to succeed, the further their distance towards the domestic pulse, the less merits and recognition they will receive.
Crane pulse manifests supreme control, represents a calm, elegant, noble temperament, and an enriched heart. Before merging pulses, owners have a weak command of rhythm, poor in heart, busy working for livelihood, after merging pulse, they become enriched, calm and graceful.
Phoenix pulse has supreme transformation capability, phoenix pulse owners generally have already possessed high social status, but they are only superficially noble while lack solid foundation for sustainable nobility as if they are like rootless wood. When they reach certain age in their life, they dream of a higher platform, but they can't reach it. They seem to be outstanding in the current lower platform, and will reach a new height in 3-6 years after merging phoenix pulses.
Dragon horse pulses manifest supreme breakthrough, representing the power of take-off. Dragon horse pulses owners are smart, yet fail to make break-through themselves. After merging pulses, they often have unprecedented inspiration and achieve greater strides.
Kirin pulses manifest supreme wisdom, Kirin pulses owners are the chosen ones to manage the whole country. Before merging pulses,kirin pulses owners were much smarter than any others. After merging pulses, their wisdom blooms, their whole mindset upgrade.
Big tortoise pulses or basalt pulses, manifest public appeal, before merging big tortoise pulses, owners are capable but lack of public appeal, after merging big tortoise pulses, owners will be largely enhanced in influence and appeal, which lead to a more brilliant career.
Lotus pulses manifest rounding off with a happy ending, generally lotus pulses owners have endured difficulties and all kinds of undesirable incidents in the life, after merging lotus pulses, less hardships will take place in the following life time, and owners will have a better command of their temperaments. Lotus pulses are very rare on the earth.
Peony pulses manifest supreme nobleness. Before merging pulses, peony pulses owners usually have a meritorious social status and family status on the surface, which is actually not true. After merging pulses, they will soon obtain real prestige. Peony pulses are rare on the earth.
Deer pulses manifest the chosen ones of the universe with the best luck. Before merging pulses, deer pulses owners have endured adversity and stuck in desperation. Their capability is out of step with their social recognition. After merging pulses, they gradually encounter all kinds of miracles, obtain a reasonably matching social status and feel elated.
Pearl pulses manifest excellence, before merging pearl pulses, owners are relatively more outstanding than any others in a small group, after merging pearl pulses, they will gradually perform profound excellence.
The above are all minister pulses illustrations, which enhance the foundation of a human being. Below are the illustrations of monarch pulses, which enhance the achievement height of a human being.
There are three kinds of monarch pulses: the Great Buddha pulses, the Divine pulses and the emperor pulses.
The Great Buddha Pulses are the identities of all kinds of Buddha and Bodhisattva. It truly takes three steps of identity divisions to transform from Buddha to human beings: During the first division, Buddha identity is sorted out from Dharma; During the second division, the Buddha identity is split into a great Buddha pulse and a Spirit; During the third division, the Spirit is split into an animal pulse (minister pulse) and a human soul.
The Divine pulses is one type kind of monarch pulses during the three identity divisions. Such characters as South Xianwen, Taibai Jinxing,Qitian Dasheng and so on in the oriental myth, all have monarch pulses. Such characters as Athena, Zeus, Golden Saint in the western myth, also have monarch pulses.
The emperor pulses belong to Divine pulses, are special type of Divine pulses, it is unnecessary to catalogue emperor pulses separately from Divine pulses, the specialty of emperor pulses is that, generally speaking, the emperor pulses owners are bound to take nationwide presidency or industry giant leadership in the future. Emperor Yuhuang pulses and Emperor Donghua pulses have so far been found in the  contemporary figures, for instance, Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Zedong, both of whom were emperor of their times, were detected as the owners of Emperor Yuhuang pulses.  Jack Ma and Li Ka-shing are contemporary business leaders and also the owners of Emperor Yuhuang pulses, as mentioned in the previous articles.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2019-9-12 11:39:41 | 显示全部楼层
Gain 发表于 2019-9-11 17:45
The Destiny-Changing Characteristics Before and After Merging Dom ...


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发表于 2019-9-16 16:32:16 | 显示全部楼层

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Rank: 1

发表于 2019-9-23 11:58:32 | 显示全部楼层
The Destiny-Changing Characteristics Before and After Merging Domestic Minister Pulse into Human Bodies
After merging domestic minister pulses, every human being is witnessed with an increase in spiritual power, a more stable state of mind, a less frequent inclination to anger, and more vigor to overcome difficulties through spiritual inspiration and constant in-depth introspection, therefore gradually their destiny will be overturned. Because of the physical body restraints, humans can only induce one thousandth of spirituality growth. After the domestic minister pulses merging, immediate spiritual growth and consequent destiny change will take place, but right after the destiny change, there will be a following adversity. Why? Because “Virtue is one foot tall, the devil is ten foot tall”. It takes constant vigilance to stave off evil. “Only when people bravely confront difficulties and overcome difficulties, can they achieve fundamental and solid progress. Never expect for free money without hard work. If you sleep at home dreaming about money rain dropping towards your head after domestic minister pulses merging, this is a manner of decadence and as a result, no fruitful rewards will come afterwards.
Before minister pulses merging, the destinies of the owners of the same domestic minister pulse are not the same, mainly because the distance between the long-term residence and domestic minister pulse spot of each owner is different. The shorter the distance, the better the owners’ life quality. If the distance from the pulse spot to the owners’ residency is within 5 kilometers, the pulse owner has high possibility to hold excellent academic performance and material prosperity (Such factors as whether the pulse owner has shown sufficient interests in the academic study, and whether the pulse owner has received reasonable guidance from parents and teachers are all needed to be taken into considerations). For example, we have two girl pulse owners whose residence to their domestic minister pulse spot is within three kilometers, one of them is Peking University undergraduate (Top University in China mainland), the other is Cornell University undergraduate (Top University in the United States). Another two pulse owners whose minister pulse spot is within three kilometers to their residence are household namess in China. When the pulse spot is within 30 kilometers to residence, the pulse owner probably belongs to upper class of the whole society. When the minister pulse spot is more than 30 kilometers, the pulse energy gradually weakens, and even disappears, and then the owners’ destiny is displaced as a tragic. Even without minister pulse merging, the closer a human is to his domestic minister pulse spot, the more positively approachable this owner is to his post merging state of mind and life quality. While the fantastic state of mind and life quality triggered by minister pulse merging effect is eternal, the fantastic state of mind and life quality triggered by close distance only lasts for a few decades. During the minister pulse synchronizing practice in the last era, it is common to check up and measure the distance between the minister pulse spot and home residence. Nowadays minister pulses merging practice into human bodies become popular, and the distance between the minister pulse spot and home residence is rarely checked up.
Minister pulse merging is to incorporate minister pulse into human bodies and thus, to achieve zero distance between the minister pulse and the pulse owner. Three years after the minister pulse merging, the destiny will be overturned fundamentally and six years after the minister pulse merging, an unprecedentedly prosperous life stability will take place. Of course, never lust for money without hard work. It is worthy of note that good life destiny is not the status that you sleep at home and then money rain drops towards your head, but you are vigorous and willing to confront difficulties, and then almost no difficulties will not be conquered by you.

The positive effects of merging minister pulses into children take place faster than into adults because children have a purer mind and fewer distractions. It is indeed a sensible way to merge the minister pulse into a child’s body, which will make the child truly surpass his peers at the beginning of their life-long competition.
We summarize as below the Destiny-Changing Characteristics before and after merging domestic minister pulses into human bodies, for your reference.
Jade rabbit pulse has supreme spirituality, which implies: auspicious, easy to fulfill their wishes, abundant in clothes and food, and treasured by others!
Before merging jade rabbit pulses, disasters occurred frequently and life was rough. Jade rabbit pulse owners were generally kind, considerate, sensitive but not sensible, offensive in expression, often screw up things out of good intention, and inclined to be misunderstood. Jade rabbit pulse owners generally have past spiritual practice experiences and foundation, their identities originated either from the Buddha State or from heaven, they are familiar to various religious principles and inclined to take detours before merging their minister pulses.
The life of jade rabbit pulse owners will gradually become more pleasant after merging pulses, crowned with nice surprisesand abundant materials. They are seldom short of money, which is in line with the idiom "It is essential to have financial capability to sustain spiritual practice". At the same time, jade rabbit pulse owners will be cherished by others, and feel it easy to comprehend life principles.
The predominant moral of white horse pulse is persistence: white horse travels thousands of miles per day, a small step every day, so it symbolizes fantastic persistence.
Before merging white horse pulses, owners are not persistent, hesitant to make decisions and inclined to give up without a single try, offensive outwardlybut weak inwardly, not harmonious with spouses or work colleagues, thus suffering in marriages and career development. For instance, female white horse pulse owners’ divorce rate before minister pulse merging reaches over 80%.
After merging white horse pulse, owners become persistent, gentle outwardly and harmonious with spouses and work colleagues, owners’ public interaction capabilities will have a transformative change in the long term.
The predominant moral of elephant pulse is stability, taking a small step every day, after a long time, you will surely go where you want to go, and achieve high accomplishments after long term endeavors and accumulations: it symbolizes gentleness, practice at a stable speed, and achievement of high accomplishments in the end.
Before merging elephant pulses, owners have spent a lot of efforts but haven’t received expected result. They expect superior outcome, but possess limited capabilities. They dream for wealth, but stay impoverished. As time passes by, their financial situation could probably get better. However, they know from the bottom of their hearts the fact that no matter how diligent they work, their outcome are basically far from desirable. They have performed a lot of tasks, but are unable to get paid as they deserve, consequently they are often in a panic state of mind.
After merging elephant pulses, changes won’t take place as quickly as those of rabbit and white horse pulses owners, especially during the initial post merging stage, changes are slow to take place. As time passes by, elephant pulse owners accumulate wealth subtly, slowly but surely, eventually achieve a thriving power and a large leap in money possession, receive social recognition, and gradually deploy an open-minded life philosophy and elephant–like huge capacity to conquer ups and downs in the life. It is not difficult for them to be promoted for official positions or achieve business leadership and material prosperity.
Tiger pulse moral is supreme assertiveness. Generally speaking, most tiger pulse owners are men and theirtemper is not very good. They have tiger’s temper but lack of the manner of King Tiger; they are ambitious and set up high standards for themselves but short of capability and power. More often than not, tiger pulse owners struggle to strive after falls it is difficult for them to cheer up and achieve their goals, and it is also hard for them to be respected and recognized by others. After merging tiger minister pulses, they gradually gain tiger-like strength, as long as they adhere to their career ambition, they are capable of being the leader in that segment one day.
Lion pulse owners possess superior king manner among the crowd and they are the real No.1 leaderin their industry segments. Before lion pulse merging, they usually took deputy leadership roles, hesitant to make decisions, always  close to the target but fail in the end. After merging lion pulses, they will have No.1 roles promotion opportunities from the No.2 leadership roles, and step by step fulfill their final ambition.
White dragon pulse manifests supreme efficiency. White dragons pulse owners are like assertive captains during the wartime, and white dragon pulse owners are usually very powerful, sharp and skillful in the battle, they make great efforts and their endeavors are paid off.
Before merging white dragon pulses, owners have already achieved great accomplishments, they are capable, assertive, and skillful in the battle but are seldom recognized, no merits attained, no money awarded and it is really difficult for white dragon pulse owners to save money. After merging white dragon pulses, owners take full use of endeavors and are very efficient to reach target, it is not difficult any more for white dragon pulses owners to obtain the recognition they deserve.
Golden dragon pulse manifests supreme prominence. Before merging golden dragon pulses, golden dragon pulse owners can obtain the merits but their merits are not widely recognized. They have accomplished some achievements, but they do not possess the social status they deserved. After merging golden dragon pulses, their status gradually rise up, emerging to be prominent.
Purple dragon pulse manifests superior social merits and recognition, as long as owners live near their domestic minister pulses for over ten years, it is not difficult for them to succeed. The further their distance towards the domestic pulse, the less merits and recognition they will receive.
Crane pulse manifests supreme control, represents a calm, elegant, noble temperament, and an enriched heart. Before merging pulses, owners have a weak control of rhythm, poor in the heart, busy working for the living. After merging pulse, they become enriched, calm and graceful.
Phoenix pulse has supreme transformation capability.Phoenix pulse owners generally have already possessed high social status, but they are only superficially noble while lack of solid foundation for sustainable nobility as if they were rootless woods. When they reach a certain age in life, they dream of a higher platform, but they can't reach it. They seem to be outstanding in the current lower platform, and will reach a new height in 3-6 years after merging phoenix pulses.
Dragon horse pulses manifest supreme breakthrough, representing the power of take-off. Dragon horse pulse owners are smart, yet fail to make break-through themselves. After merging pulses, they often have unprecedented inspiration and achieve greater strides.
Kirin pulses manifest supreme wisdom. Kirin pulse owners are the chosen ones to manage the whole country. Before merging pulses,Kirin pulses owners were much smarter than any others. After merging pulses, their wisdom blooms, and their whole mindset upgrades.
Big tortoise pulses or basalt pulses, manifest public appeal. Before merging big tortoise pulses, owners are capable but lack of public appeal; after merging big tortoise pulses, owners will be largely enhanced in influence and appeal, which lead to a more brilliant career.
Lotus pulses manifest rounding off with a happy ending. Generally lotus pulses owners have endured difficulties and all kinds of undesirable incidents in life. After merging lotus pulses, less hardships will take place in the life time onwards, and owners will have a better command of their temperaments. Lotus pulses are very rare on the earth.
Peony pulses manifest supreme nobleness. Before merging pulses, peony pulses owners usually have a meritorious social status and family status on the surface, which is actually not true. After merging pulses, they will soon obtain real prestige. Peony pulses are rare on the earth.
Deer pulses manifest the chosen ones of the universe with the best luck. Before merging pulses, deer pulse owners have endured adversity and were stuck in desperation. Their capability is out of step with their social recognition. After merging pulses, they gradually encounter all kinds of miracles, obtain a reasonably matching social status and feel elated.
Pearl pulses manifest excellence. Before merging pearl pulses, owners were relatively more outstanding than others in a small group; after merging pearl pulses, they will gradually perform profoundly excellently.
The above are all minister pulses illustrations, which enhance the foundation of a human being. Below are the illustrations of monarch pulses, which enhance the achievement height of a human being.
There are three kinds of monarch pulses: the Great Buddha pulses, the Divine pulses and the Emperor pulses.
The Great Buddha Pulses are the identities of all kinds of Buddha and Bodhisattva. It truly takes three steps of identity divisions to transform from Buddha to human beings: During the first division, Buddha identity is sorted out from Dharma; During the second division, the Buddha identity is split into a great Buddha pulse and a Spirit; During the third division, the Spirit is split into an animal pulse (minister pulse) and a human soul.
The Divine pulses are one kind of monarch pulses during the three identity divisions. Characters as South Xianweng, Taibai Jinxing,Qitian Dasheng and so on in the oriental myths, all have monarch pulses. Characters as Athena, Zeus, Golden Saints in the western myths, also have monarch pulses.
The emperor pulses belong to Divine pulses, and are a special type of Divine pulses. It is unnecessary to categorize emperor pulses separately from Divine pulses. However, the specialty of emperor pulses is that, generally speaking, the emperor pulses owners are bound to take nationwide presidency or industry giant leadership in the future. Emperor Yuhuang pulses and Emperor Donghua pulses have so far been found in the contemporary figures, for instance, Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Zedong, both the emperors of their times, were detected as the owners of Emperor Yuhuang pulses. Jack Ma and Li Ka-shing are contemporary business leaders and also the owners of Emperor Yuhuang pulses, as mentioned in the previous articles.


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